Monday, January 5, 2009
It's time to update on New Year Eve!! I know I know.. it's a bit too late but better than nothing right?

I celebrated NYE in Khai's house with Keng Li, Lew and Suet Ling along with some of his friends and his brother friends. Khai fetched Me, Keng Li and Lew from my house and off we go to buy ingredients!! Our menu for the day was Angel Hair pasta, potato and egg salad, fried calamari, mushroom soup and last but not least, BACON WRAP SAUSAGE (the BEST!). At first we or should I say me, wanted to start doing all from scratch. But end up buying ready made sauce for the pasta and also campbell soup. Even the fried calamari was done by his maid. Tsk tskk....

Learning from the maid (Psstt... I think the maid hates me)

Siti of the day!

Watch and learn... NOT!!

Keng Li learning from the PRO!!

I dont recall Lew doing anything.. hmmm....

Yummy yummyyyy!!

Your cook of the day... Plus Suet

Just acting


At the end of the day, we came out withhhhhh...............

Then we played Twister and Pictionary... We kick asses in Pictionary!!

After that, we played drinking games...

This is what alcohol do to me... blood circulation overly good!!

And this too...

What makes all of them laugh and wants to take picture? I shall keep it to myself...

Only had 1 and a half bottle of Black Labels

There are more embarrasing pictures but I've decided not to post it here or Facebook. Everthing that happens only those who were there would know :) Kind hearted am I? (Hopefully no one posts ugly pics of me!!) Overall I had fun and avoided massive jam during NYE!! We stayed over in Khai's house and debated about A&W''s or KFC the next day. Ishhh... stupid Khai.. I want my A&W's!!!

Last picture of us.... and of course Lew....


posted by ~Mei Ling~ at 1/05/2009 05:22:00 PM |


At January 5, 2009 at 6:40 PM, Blogger Cherry KSL said........
i love ur hair clipped up like that. really!

and whyyyyy lewwwww got no picture one?